Uninvited Twink Academy visitor
Detail of Garcia’s offence – smuggling an unauthorized visitor onto Academy premises and subsequent illicit activity – will be found elsewhere in this folder. It should be read prior to this Disciplinary Record, so as to acquaint the reader with the full enormity of Garcia’s offence.
On dragging the boy back to my office, I was, I confess, absolutely furious at his behaviour and the breach of trust that he had exhibited. I may, I confess, have reacted a little excessively, though I still assert that I had every excuse in so doing.
I immediately stripped the boy from his few remaining clothes, virtually tearing them off, I confess, in my fury.
And I produced my heaving duty care that is reserved foir the most serious cases of indiscipline only. The boy must certainly be made to relise by all available means that his conduct had been quite beyond the pale.

pics 2. young boys get spanking and punishments – pics 3. young boys hardest spanking
Bearing the particular nature of this reprobate boy’s offence in mind, however, it seemed to me, even in the midst of my anger, that it was necessary to draw his attention to and to inflict humiliation upon – the parts of his body that had occasioned his transgressions.

"If" I said, "you are going to be ruled by this, then it is doing to be punished along with the rest of you"!
I refer interested readers who require further details to the sequence of photographs attached to this report.
By the time I had finished with the boy, my immediate anger had been somewhat assuaged.
I am, however, pleased to say that Garcia’s shame will remain with him for, I believe, a very long time to come.
More pictures of young boys get punishment’s and spanking